Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Starting Out

I discovered the world of blogs a few years ago while living through a bout of insomnia. I was googling around and discovered a whole world of interesting reading. I have a few favourites that I read regularly, and am inspired and entertained by them. I thought I would finally start my own blog.

I love to write. I have been writing a family column for The Bread of Life for about fifteen years. I am forever commenting on Facebook and the occasional blog. Starting a blog is likely a natural progression from writing a column six times a year, since there's often something on my mind, and not always magazine material.

I called my blog "The Extraordinary Ordinary", since as Catholics we live most of our life in what is known as "ordinary time" liturgically. I like to find the "extraordinary" in daily life...those events, thoughts, simple happenings that make us sit up and notice, that help us remember that God is with us in what we might otherwise think of as ordinary.

Thank you for joining me, and I hope that I can use this blog for the glory of God and the good of others.


  1. Ahh, so you are the same Sue A. as she in Bread of Life. So glad that you have started a blog and that I get to be your first commentor. I am looking forward to your posts.

  2. Right on Sue! Can't wait to see what you have to share next :)
    -Amanda W

  3. Love blogs - so glad you've joined the ranks! Can't promise mine will be as thought provoking, but there are photos of cute kids. ;o)

